Sunday, December 9, 2012

Sox Shoot

This post is soooo overdue. UP SOCCSKSARGEN had a photoshoot last November 25 and I only get to post about it now. I can't post all the pictures, as I don't have permission. I can just post BTS pics and some other stuff.

This is the last org photoshoot that I would likely be a part of. This makes me sad yet happy at the same time.

The Pubcom (a.k.a. us) was challenged because we didn't have a separate photographer this year. We had to make do with ourselves and Jay's tripod (that he got on sale from Canon, ugh. *jealous*).

God gave us a clear day that afternoon, so we met up at the AS steps and decided to shoot in the lagoon.

Topy mooning below the entrance of Palma Hall

Jay "wearing" a neck tie.

Walking to the lagoon

Brent didn't know about the shoot. He was playing ultimate nearby and saw us.

Umbrella people...

Unfortunately, only two people from FinCom could join us. But their set was the most badass--- aside from ours of course.

Lee really really really really wanted to climb that tree. So she did. 

Hello Executive Board

Ending this post with Jay's E.T. moon picture that he requested. I should've thought of it first. 

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