Wednesday, November 14, 2012

12 November 2012

I wrapped the book that I bought for my cousin as a Christmas gift. I wanted to do something different for them all this year, so I decided to weave gift wrappers.

I've tried this before with scratch paper, but it looked a little cheap, and I should have used brown paper instead. But this is perfect for those people who don't tear gift wrapping and instead keep them in folded condition. I used to find this practice peculiar (my mother does this). Gift wrapping is made to be torn after all, but I found out that the recycled paper can be used for weaving.

Cut the paper into strips. The width should be proportional to the size of your gift. Big gift = big widths. If you have short paper, you can tape two strips to create a longer one.

Lalala, weaving...

Form a "banig".

Wrap it around the gift and insert the excess strips into the weave. 
It sounded so easy in my brain, but it's actually harder than it looks. I don't have too many pictures because I was too busy figuring out how to end the process. 

I am happy with the result, but I'm regretting it a little. This means I have to repeat the process ten ++ more times so that nobody in the family gets left out.

It doesn't matter. I'm pretty sure the gift would be a bitch to open.

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