Sunday, November 25, 2012

Until Next Time, Ate A.

Last Thursday, Ate A left for Bahrain.

It took a while for her to process her papers, because she wanted to do everything legally and she had health issues. But after several months of hard work and patience, it finally paid off.

I hate goodbyes. I've said goodbye to her countless times. The first time was at Kinder 1, when she had to go home to her family. I can't remember it anymore, but she said my mother had to hold me because I wanted to go with her in the taxi to the airport.

Last Thursday, I gave her a hug before going to school. When I came back in the afternoon, she has already left. 

I feel happy for her, because she is opening up a new chapter of her life. She has been aiming to become an OFW for a while now. Even if she is unmarried and doesn't have dependents, she wanted to go abroad because she wanted to try. She's not young anymore, she said, and she would take opportunities to improve herself as long as she is able. I hope that when I am at her age, I would have her vigor.

I will be seeing her again soon. I hope that all will be well for her in Bahrain. I hope that her employer is kind, and her colleagues decent. I hope that the unrest in West Asia doesn't spread to the coast of Bahrain. I hope that after her contract ends, Ate A can return home safe, and return home better.

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